TITLE: Stability of homographic solutions of the planar three-body problem with homogeneous potentials AUTHORS: Regina Mart\'inez^(1), Anna Sam\`a^(1), Carles Sim\'o^(2) (1) Departament de Matem\`atiques, Facultat de Ci\`encies, Univ. Aut\`onoma de Barcelona, 08193 Bellaterra, (Spain) (2) Departament de Matem\`atica Aplicada i An\`alisi, Universitat de Barcelona, Gran Via, 585, 08071 Barcelona (Spain) ABSTRACT: Collinear and triangular homographic solutions of the planar three-body problem with potentials of the form $r^{-\alpha},\, \alpha\in(0,2)$ are considered. Given the masses, $m_i,i=1,2,3$ normalised by $\sum_{i=1}^3m_i=1$ and a value of the energy, these solutions depend on an additional parameter, either the angular momentum $c$ or a (generalised) eccentricity $e$. The purpose is to describe the stability properties and the bifurcations for any values of $m_i,e$ and $\alpha.$ After several reductions, it is enough to study a three-parameter family of four-dimensional linear differential equations depending periodically on time. We are interested in the domains where the linear stability is of type EE (elliptic-elliptic), EH (elliptic-hyperbolic), HH (hyperbolic-hyperbolic) or CS (complex-saddle), as well as in the boundaries of these domains. The bifurcations emerging from $e=0$ are studied by using normal forms. These provide also approximations for the boundaries. For $e$ close to 1 (the value $e=1$ corresponding to homographic solutions with a triple collision) a blow up method, applied to the variational equations,is the key tool used to study the bifurcations. For the intermediate region the bifurcation diagrams are completed numerically.