TITLE: The positive entropy kernel for some families of trees 2007 Nonlinearity, 20 (8), pp 1955--1967 AUTHORS: Esther Barrabes i David Juher Departament d'Informatica i Matematica Aplicada Universitat de Girona Ed. P-IV, Campus Montilivi 17071 Girona E-mails: barrabes@ima.udg.edu, juher@ima.udg.edu ABSTRACT: The fact that a continuous self-map of a tree has positive topological entropy is related to the amount of different gods (greatest odd divisors) exhibited by its set of periods. Llibre and Misiurewicz (1993)) and Blokh (1992) give generic upper bounds for the maximum number of gods that a zero entropy tree map $\map{f}{T}$ can exhibit, in terms of the number of endpoints and edges of $T$. In this paper we compute exactly the minimum of the positive integers $n$ such that the entropy of each tree map $\map{f}{T}$ exhibiting more than $n$ gods is necessarily positive, for the family of trees which have a subinterval containing all the branching points (this family includes the interval and the stars). We also compute which gods are admissible for such maps.