Xavier Jarque i Ribera

Facultat de Matemàtiques i Informàtica

Universitat de Barcelona


Catalonia is the only EU-region which is not governed by the constitution (in spanish legislation its called estatut de Catalunya) voted by its people. We are under the authoritarian regime of the Spanish judicial power. Freedom in Europe is reserved to citizens whose nationality is associated to a state member.

In October 1st (2017) Catalan people, after years of political activity using the majorities of our parliament, organized a referendum to decide our political future and independence from Spain (we wan). Since then, Spain has decided to use the force (police and judges) to repress our freedom.

I give all my support to the legitimate Catalan Parliament and Catalan Government in front of the Coup d’état of the Spanish Government with the support of the whole Spanish Parliament. My support to the legitimate members of the government still in exile (specially the legitimate President Carles Puigdemont).

Here you can find a letter of support to professors under trial for political reasons due to their support to the referendum.

I want to claim my absolute disagreement about using violence and war to solve political problems: before and after, there and here, north and south, east and west. My total support to all civilians who suffer the cost of military interventions, like in Ukraine, the Middle East (especially the region of Gaza) and around the world.

Al damunt de la tomba
hi ha nat un taronger
i a la branca més alta
hi canta l’esparver
que diu en son llenguatge,
sempre de cara al vent
Maleïdes les guerres
i aquell qui les va fer!

Anònim segle XIV o XV (in catalan)

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