WAI: Volume Visualization and Artificial Intelligence research group

Some links

Currently, WAI research group is working on the following research projects:

  • COR: "Robust Virtual Collaborations" code UB: TIN2012-38876-C02-02 from 01/01/2013 to 31/12/2015.
  • EVE: Engineering-Self-* Virtually-Embedded Systems (code IIIA=MICIN TIN2009-14702-C02-01, code UB=TIN2009-14702-C02-02)
  • AT:Agreement Technologies (Consolider) (code=CSD2007-0022).
  • Modelado, Anàlisis y Visualización de características de datos volumétricos en ingeniería biomédica
  • Generación y Corrección en Tiempo Real de Movimientos de Humanos Virtuales a través de Imágenes Digitalizadas The goal is to develop a system based on Computer Vision and Inverse Kinematics in which the user controls the movement of a character in a virtual environment. This project is funded by the Research Division of the University of Alcalá (UAH, PI2005/083)

- Educational Innovation: our members belong to the Consolidated Educational Innovation Group INDOMAIN at UB (code GIDCUB-13/138). Within its activities, we can highlight the educational innovation project: Mòdul Pedagògic en un Sistema Tutor Intel.ligent per a predir l'evolució de l'alumnat. Finançament:Vicerectorat de Políca Docent, Universitat de Barcelona. Download code here.

Previous projects we have been involved with are:

- IEA Instituciones Electrónicas Autonómas.

- Classification methods to improve medical image visualization . This work that tried to apply Machine Learning methods such as Decission Trees or Bayesian Networks to classify pixels in medical images so that they can be better displayed. This work appears in the context of a publicly funded project entitled "Simulación 3D de implantes de biomateriales en estructura ósea" (MCYT, MAT2002-04297-C03-02)

- Simweb Exploring Innovative eBusiness Models using Multi-Agent Simulation (IST-2001-34651)

- IMV3D Integracion, Modelado y Visualización 3D de datos anatómicos y funcionales del cerebro y del corazón, (CICYT, TIC95-0630-C05-02)

- ibrow An Intelligent Brokering Service for Knowledge-Component Reuse on the Wold Wide Web (IST-1999-19005)