Dept. Matemātica Aplicada i Anālisi
Universitat de Barcelona
Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes 585
08007, Barcelona, Spain
sergio (at) maia (dot) ub (dot) es
Human Pose Recovery and Behavior Analysis
ECOCLib: Open Source Error-Correcting Output Codes library
Web of the project
Robot navigation and interaction
Execution example video
Aibo SURF-flow navigation
Aibo object recognition
Aibo interaction
This smart phone application is able to detect text in complex scenes, remove text from images, reconstruct background, apply OCR, translate text, and draw the new text as part of the image.
Multi-class Visual Object and Pattern Classification via Error Correcting Output Codes
In this project a mobile system takes pictures of urban street floor. The purpose of the project is first to detect the presence of residues on the floor, the origin of those residues (organic/inorganic) and the categorization of each individual residue into more explicit categories (e.g. paper, cigarette, can, etc).
Collaborators: INYPSA
Medical Image Segmentation
Automatic segmentation of artifacts in X-Ray, CT, and MRI images using Graph Cut Theory.
Mobile Mapping system: the position and orientation of the different traffic signs are measured with video cameras fixed on a moving vehicle. Signs are detected by means of a cascade of classifiers using Adaboost. Multi-class traffic sign classification is then performed using of Error Correcting Output Codes. Collaborators: Intitut Cartogrāfic de Catalunya 
Traffic sign recognition in urban scenes VIDEO
Text detection in urban scenes VIDEO
This system deals with the problem of multi-class airplain recognition within airport environments from video sequences, focusing on the segmentation, feature extraction, and learning stages. Collaborators: AENA
Volum visualization: classification and segmentation of large medical data sets - GPGPU
Contextual learning: Multi-class Multi-scale Stacked Sequential Learning
Case Base Reasoning: In this project we combine feature weighting and Reinforcement Learning approaches to guide the user to a faster convergence of product location in a case base data set.
Multi-class volume classification video